Fonts for vietnamese words
Fonts for vietnamese words

fonts for vietnamese words fonts for vietnamese words

However, I personally prefer VNI because if I have to type Vietnamese and another language together, I don’t have to be mindful of each word I write (for example, “as” in Telex becomes “ả”), which definitely increases my typing speed for sure. Telex is considered to be a faster typing method and more popular by many people. To use Telex, from the above window, at Kiểu gõ, instead of VNI, choose Telex. Now that you have the keyboard, how do you type? Simply follow these rules:Īnother popular typing style is Telex. After that, click on Đóng (Close) to close the window. You will want to change the options if they are not already Unicode and VNI. After you install and run it, you will see this: VNI method If you find one that is not compatible with your version, you can check for a more updated version. Unikey releases updated versions periodically, which is amazing considering they already provide the software for free. I’ve been using Unikey for many years, and it still works just fine even on Windows 10. Unikey is a software that helps you to type accents and certain letters in Vietnamese. We now have more than one way to get Vietnamese keyboard. It was the only way back then, but technology has evolved since then. In my first post, I only mentioned one way to get the keyboard and that is to get Unikey software. In order to type Vietnamese on computer, you will need Vietnamese keyboard.

fonts for vietnamese words

If you want to know how to type Vietnamese on phone, I have written a post for that here: How to text in Vietnamese. In order to make it easier for you to search for the guide when you need it, I am making this separate post, which is a more updated and comprehensive guide on how to type Vietnamese on computer. However, that post focused on Vietnamese alphabet, and the keyboard was mentioned at the very end. I previously talked about how to type Vietnamese on computer in my very first post.

Fonts for vietnamese words