There you will see an Anni and Jasmin e-book for sale, however it is not really an e-book but instructions to access the private forum. Due to our inability to keep the videos uploaded, we have moved them to a private group where you will have to pay a $14.99 charge to access it. Anni, meanwhile, is honest to sickening levels, she is not politically correct and she could give a BLEEP what others think so she is going to say to you exactly what she thinks to your face without dressing it up. Jasmin cares what people think about her and she is always trying to show the best side of herself. These two girls couldn’t be more different if they tried.

They say that there is a thin line between love and hate and in the case of Anni and Jasmin, this is a phrase which could be used perfectly to define their story. We have received a lot of requests about the German tv show called GZSZ (Gute Zeiten Schlecte Zeiten) and we have finally found a way to share Anni and Jasmin's entire love story in it's original format and it includes English subtitles. Anni and Jasmin - English Subtitles Wednesday, February 1, 2017. Finally the month we've been waiting for.

Watch Anni & Jasmin February 2014 episodes.

After Kurt leaves Jasmin, Anni is the only person who is really there for her and this leads to kissing and flirting between the two women. This month on GZSZ, Anni and Jasmin share their first kiss and Anni finally lets out her big secret. Gzsz English Subtitles Average ratng: 8,7/10 4383 reviews